1-OVARIAN CALCIFICATION MIMICKING VESICLE CALCULUS Pallavi Agrawal, Pratibha Singh, Santosh Kumar Agrawal, Neeeta Natu, Kamal Malukani- Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences/ Volume 2/ Issue 17/ April 29, 2013 Page-2929

2 – Hysteroscopic diagnosis and successful management of an acquired uterine arteriovenous malformation by percutaneous embolotherapy. J Midlife Health. 2013 Jan-Mar; 4(1): 57–59.

3 – Bladder neck leiomyoma presenting with acute retention of urine in an elderly female- J Midlife Health. 2014 Jan-Mar; 5(1): 45–48.

4- multiple giant cervical polyps: a case report with literature review- Indian journal of basic and applied medical research; june 2014vol-3, issue-3, P.338-343

5- Body Mass Index and Its Role in Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy- International Scholarly Research Notices – Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 787604, 5 pages

6- is farming a occupational hazard for severe male factor infertility – original article – Indian journal of basic and applied medical research june 2016 vol 5 issue 3 p 372-376

7- Perinatal outcome in assisted reproductive pregnancies: comparative analysis of reduced verses unreduced gestation. International journal of reproductive medicine vol 2016 article ID 7404609, 6 pages

8- Pregnancy Predictors after Intrauterine Insemination in Cases of Unexplained Infertility: A Prospective Study. Ishita Ganguly,1 Aparna Singh,1 Shilpa Bhandari,1 Pallavi Agrawal,1 and Nitika Gupta1.Volume 2016 |Article ID 5817823 | https://doi.org/10.1155/2016/5817823.

9- Gupta N, Bhandari S, Agrawal P, Ganguly I, Singh A. Effect of endometrial cavity fluid on pregnancy rate of fresh versus frozen in vitro fertilization cycle. Journal of human reproductive sciences. 2017 Oct;10(4):288.

10- Singh A, Bhandari S, Agrawal P, Gupta N, Munaganuru N. Use of clomiphene-based stimulation protocol in oocyte donors: a comparative study. Journal of human reproductive sciences. 2016 Jul;9(3):159.

11- Bhandari S, Singh A, Agrawal P, Ganguli I. Findings in diagnostic laparoscopy in patients with unexplained infertility. Fertility Science and Research. 2015 Jan 1;2(1):29.12

12- Agrawal SK, Chipde SS, Agrawal P. Laparoscopic heminephrectomy in nonfunctioning right moiety of a horseshoe kidney: Technical challenges and method to deal with. Journal of natural science, biology, and medicine. 2014 Jul;5(2):491.13 –

13- Bhandari S, Ganguly I, Agrawal P, Bhandari S, Singh A, Gupta N. Comparative analysis of perinatal outcome of spontaneous pregnancy reduction and multifetal pregnancy reduction in triplet pregnancies conceived after assisted reproductive technique. Journal of human reproductive sciences. 2016 Jul;9(3):173.

14- paper accepted in IOG – sept 21 – preoperative predictive factors for poor outcome in cervical cerclage